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  1. When are payments due?

    All payments are due by the first of the month for that month coming up. When you first signed the lease with Canaan Self Storage you made a partial payment so that everyone pays at the same time each month.

  2. Where do we make our payments?

    There are two ways of making payments. First you can mail the payment to - Canaan Self Storage, 25 Overlook Drive, Canaan, ME 04924
    or you can drop off your payment at the Office Building as you enter the storage facility the building is on the right. There is a mail slot for making these payments inside the buidling and this main door will be open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

  3. What happens if I am late on my payment?

    There is a grace period of 10 days. If after the 10th of each month you have not made your payment there will be a late charge assessed of $20.00 for that month. Also there will be a lock put on your unit that will not allow you to get into your property until the payment is made in full.

  4. What about insurance on my belongings?

    Canaan Self Storage only has insurance on our buildings in case of fire. If you are storaging anything that is of value to you you should check with your home owners insurance for off site storage or take out separated policy to protect your belongings.

  5. Access to Canaan Self Storage?

    Canaan Self Storage is bascially open 24 hours a day for your convenience. Please note that there is only one entrance to the facility and that is located off of Route 2. If anyone is caught entering or leaving the facility other than the designated entrance they will be asked to vacant their unit immediately. No Exceptions

  6. What about the security of my belongings in my storage unit?

    With only one entrance to the facility we are trying to make it more secure. We have also now installed a camera surveillance system that is monitoring the entire facility for our customers protection.


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